
I am a 20-something freelance writer who dreams of writing the next Hunger Games or Vampire Academy (BEST BOOKS EVER!!!).

I love to read (to escape the mundane routine of life) and write (hence this blog) and yes I guess you could say I was a bit of a nerd in high school and was in denial the whole time.

I was born and bred in Tasmania and before you ask, no my parents are not related in anyway. I now live in Sydney and suffer regularly from homesickness.

I am a soon to be married (Lord Help me! What am I getting myself into?)

I am vertically challenged but technically not short enough to be declared a dwarf (although my fiancé and sister would beg to differ)

This blog is going to detail the trials and tribulations of life including becoming a young wife and my struggle to become a successful writer. I will also probably have a rant about anything that tickles my fancy.


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